Tuesday, March 31, 2009

In Libya, between the age of 12 and 18 girls and boys are separated not only into different classes but they study in different schools. Therefore we have feminine schools and masculine schools. Although thois is not applied to private schools, because the number of students in not large enough to be separated into different schools, we still have single sex private schools and those are much more succesful than mixed -sex institutions.
argue the opponents of same-sex schools, this is true but they are going to be older, more mature and prepared to interact with the opposite sex classmate.
Another group of opponents claim that we should get rid of these old traditions and raise the new generation in the modern style to become an open minded nation. This is partially true but if we do so we will lose our identity and because we are an islamic country we should control the behavior of teenagers at this critical stage.
In addition, researches show that the graduates of mixed schools always get lower results compared to the students who study in all-boy or all-girl schools because they pay less attention to the teachers and work less in classes because they are distracted by the opposite sex classmate; how do they look and what are they doing?. While in one sex classes boys focus more on learning and girls are less embarrassed.
In conclusion, same sex schools provide students with the suitable environment to learn and concentrate on their study. Furthermore they follow the religion and protect them and their feelings until they become mature. Finally, in my opinion if I was a mother of a teenager I would rather chose him the separate classes.


  1. It's a good text Naila...
    Just the second paragraph seems to be missing some words..

  2. Hi Naila

    This is just to let you know that I have corrected your Test covering units 4-6 (Progress test- not the one you were writing with Jon) and your score is 96%!!!!


    See you on Friday
